Thursday 30 January 2014


In "Cafe": as you can see, the French language seems to be very difficult to practice for Londoners...

They know that there is a big mistake but they don't do anything about it!
My first impressions of the UK

I am going to explain to you my first feelings of the UK: for this let's start at the beginning.

When, I arrived in Stafford by plane the first things that I noticed was the amount of greenery in Stafford and the important number of houses (not buildings). In fact, there are a lot of trees, open ground and little houses in relation to Paris where you can see less vegetation and numerous buildings.
Secondly, the jet lag between Stafford and Paris is very small but I felt this change because darkness falls very quickly in the UK. I was very surprised when I saw that a lot of stores close very early: approximately at 5.30pm or 6pm. In Paris, stores used to close at 7pm and even later.
Moreover, I felt the cultural differences between France and Great Britain by the fact that people eat very early. I'm used to eating at 8pm but here people eat at 7pm or even earlier.
Thirdly, I was very impressed by the big size of the university and the numerous activities proposed to the students.
Furthermore, I am going to confess you something very funny: sometimes I don't succeed in flushing the English toilet. I don't understand what I must do! Fortunately I succeed in some toilets.
Finally, I have discovered that the food in England is very good: I went to a brasserie and I have discovered that I was fond of chicken with cheese and bacon! I have also discovered, the pleasure of drinking a beer with friends.

In conclusion, I discovered some differences between Paris and Stafford but these changes are not disturbing.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

My first 20mns in England. It really does start great

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Sunday February 2nd 2014

Celebrate the New Year of the Horse in Manchester's China Town.
From Stafford and Stoke there is a regular train service.

Xin Nian Kuai Le! 


Friday 17 January 2014

A big BIENVENUE to all our EPITA students! 

 Please feel free to add posts about your experience of being in the UK.

 How are things different to France?

 Perhaps you have seen or been somewhere unusual or interesting? 

 So don't be shy......just blog! Lorenzo

Why not use your free time to explore Britain?

Places like Wales and the beautiful Roman town of Chester are not far from Stafford.

Thursday 2 January 2014

I owe every one a video..

Culture Cafe

Do you want to improve your English and learn about culture at the same time?
Why not share your experiences with other people?

Then check out my blog:

Don't worry about making mistakes as I will check everything you write and edit it.