Saturday 14 December 2013

Images of leek town

Sheep on sale at Leek Cattle Market

The Cattle Market
Today's sheep market was the last of the year.
Playing the Beatles at Leek Antiques Market
The traditional Staffordshire Oatcake (mushroom and cheese filling).

The Salvation Army Band play Christmas carols

There has been an outdoor market in Leek since the 13th century!

St Edwards' Church, dating back over 1000 years.

The Church lectern (on which the bible is placed).

Here we take a short cut to the Butter Market.

In search of the Butter Market

The Pulpit, made out of walnut and dating back to the 1860's. This one was probably carved in Germany.

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One of Leek's last remaining textile factories. Notice the numerous windows. This was built before electricity.

Saturday is the busiest day of the week with several markets in progress, attracting visitors from all over North Staffordshire.
On arrival back in Hanley we were amazed to see an exhibition of owls.

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