Tuesday 29 April 2014

My first impressions about Stafford and English people

My first impressions about Stafford have been generally good, even if the first day wasn't a good day with regards to the weather. Now I can confess, I thought it was England after all, should I ? My home family told me it is a place where we can have 4 seasons in one day, I hope not.

For a small city, there are a lot of different activities like sports, bars, bowling, shops and others, mainly in the center of the city. Even if we can visit everything in few days, I’m glad to see that we can do things without going too far. However, I don’t understand why almost all shops close at 5pm, when our courses finish of course.

On another point, I was pretty impressed about drivers that don’t care about pedestrians crossing the road. Sometime I wonder if they don’t want to kill someone. Maybe because crossings don't really exist ? Even if  I also see sometimes some crossings like in France and with a road sign showing directions. Anyway, this is not so different from Paris…

If I had to find a cliché that the French say about the English, it is certainly the tea. My home family like this for breakfast, lunch, dinner and certainly a lot of other occasions and I think it’s a habit for a lot of English people.

To summarise, Stafford is a pretty good place, the Staffordshire university brings also some ambience to the town and is a reason  for a lot of young people coming here. I find it sad that the university will move to Stoke in 2 years.

First Impression of English People and London

Royal Guard

Last week-end I went to London, it was the first time. I went there to visit the city and to discover what is like. I have visited many places like Trafalgar square, the Tower Bridge, big Ben, and the Westfield Shopping centre in Stratford town. At the end we went to Buckingham palace and we watched the changing of the guard. So it was amazing to see London. I had a lot of impressions about London and English people generally.

Tower Bridge

The first one is that they are so friendly and smiling. They are always happy to help. The second one is their passion for football. I went in a pub with my friends and it was amazing how the fans support their team with songs and by their way to celebrate when a goal get scored. And I noticed that English people love too much their royal Family and are so respectful. They drink nonstop spelling at any hour of the day.  





London is a very clean town so it is also a great tourist destination. There are many historical monuments in London that allow us to understand the history of this nice city. So in London there are always a lot of activities to do from morning till night like going to night clubs, watching football in a pub, shopping, etc.  

I think that I could enjoy living in London.

Wednesday 16 April 2014


 Please feel free to add posts about your experience of being in the UK.

 How are things different to France?

 Perhaps you have seen or been somewhere unusual or interesting? 

 So don't be shy......just blog! Lorenzo

Why not use your free time to explore Britain?

Places like Wales and the beautiful Roman town of Chester are not far from Stafford.