Sunday 19 February 2017

Great trip to Oxford!

Park inside of the Christ Church College

One day as a Oxford student

First of all, we visited the very interesting famous Ashmolean Museum, but we were short of time because there are so many interesting other sights in Oxford!
After visiting Oxford Castle and the Castle Mound, we went into the Christ Church College - a lot of tourists but it is worth to pay a few pounds a get an good insight into the university. 
Thanks to Lorenzo for the well organized trip and the tons of food on our way with the coach! And a very good idea is the raffle of the gifts! See you next time!

Entrance to the Christ Church College

If you have enough time you can
climb up the tower for an outlook

1 comment:

  1. I am really pleased you liked this trip Dan. There is lots to see and do in Oxford. I went with some of the others to the Bear Inn, the city's oldest pub. The walls are decorated with hundreds of cut ties. Apparently there is a long tradition of cutting people's ties and hanging them up on display. They do give you a drink in compensation though.


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