Thursday 8 May 2014

My first impression about England
When our bus got down from the boat, I saw that cars were driving on the left, and there, I had the confirmation that I was in England. It’s very disturbing to drive on the left, to take roundabouts on the left  and to overtake on the right. I have had the feeling that the English want to do everything opposite to the French.

The weather was mild, and the sky was grey. After two hours on the road we arrived in Staffordshire University, where people have been very friendly and welcoming.

To my surprise, the food has been delicious and sometimes better than French food but it’s so expensive. Everything is more expensive here except clothes. At the beginning I had trouble to accustom myself with the currency. I’m expected to see people take tea in the afternoon (5PM) but it is not the case.

I have noted that people drink a lot of alcohol but not the same way like in France, it’s not a surprise. The English are very eccentric. At the parties women wear very revealing outfits. They like football it's nearly a religion here. However the English are very open minded and we can easily feel like at home. We feel and we see also the cultural diversity everywhere.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

My life in England.

 Whereas I wanted go to the USA because I was not attracted by Stafford, my trip in England is a good surprise. Indeed, I discovered new beautiful places like Stafford, Birmingham and especially London. On the other hand, this trip allowed me to judge if French and world prejudices about England and its population are correct.

Although I live in a great city like Paris, I was born in a small town and especially in the country next to Calais and the Channel Tunnel. That's why, I wanted to rediscover a small town with a lot of green spaces, trees and quiet neighborhoods. 

However, I am disappointed because every day, in these green spaces, I don't see pleasure and cheerfulness. Indeed, there are never children playing. In place of this, there are boards forbidding, for example, ball games. I think it's dull. On the other hand, the Staffordshire University is amazing! Indeed, it can find in this university a Sports Centre, including Fitness Suite, a Nursery, a Television Centre & Lecture Theater, a Careers Centre & Student Recruitment Centre and a lot of other things. I would like to have the same things in EFREI.

One of the first prejudices that I find with Google: English population forbids to open up to other countries. It's possible...they drive on the left, they don't have Euro and they don't like really the European policy. However, I think it's false. Indeed, whereas France says she wants to accept foreigners, it seems me that England is more open to the difference and multiculturalism. Writing this, I think of Samir Nasri, a French footballer. He plays in English championship with Manchester City. Last week, he said English population is may be more tolerant than France, especially with footballers and Muslims. And...he may have good reason. I stopped to count the number of foreigner that I saw working in shops...with a large smile and ever very kind! Besides, generally, all people in England are very happy and approachable and I love this!

Finally, in my opinion, this foreign trip is beneficial for us. Indeed, it allowed me to meet new people or to come closer to some EFREI students.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

A Day Trip to North Wales

A Day Trip to North Wales

The International Student Centre is organising a Day Trip to the North Wales Coast on Saturday May 17th

Visiting the historic towns of Conwy and Llandudno. Depart Stafford 08:00 Depart Stoke 08:30 Return time: Llandudno 19:00. Tickets cost: £12 From(Stafford) The Finance Office 1st floor Beacon building. The Finance Office, Cadman Building (Stoke).

Monday 5 May 2014

The contrast between Stafford and the civilisation

Recently living in Stafford, I realize that the silence here was killing me. 
However everything was fine at the beginning. 

Stafford is a town which has astonished me a lot.
First of all, the apparition of a second tap that induces a mass of sensitive issues from the awakening, the politeness of people, the fresh smell of the trees in full photosynthesis and the most important, a central hub that everybody can see and where they all  meet : ASDA. 
ASDA, little brother of the Wall-Mart –Big supermarket in the United States- wishes to be the best in England. 
Moreover, it works very well in Stafford. 
Indeed , there isn’t a day without hearing about ASDA:
« Have you been to ASDA today ? », « this morning I come up with a discount on Bazinga tee-shirts, it makes my day better »  «  I have an appointment in ASDA tomorrow between 2pm and 3pm, I have to meet a friend »
It’s a lovely town. 

But, the habit of doing and talking about the same things becomes frightening.

Welcome to London ! let’s go to Piccadilly circus and let’s dance. 
Time of the two separate taps is over.  Say hi to the howls and the yells in front of the TopShop sales 

A little digression : my point of view isn't an objective it shouldn't be taken seriously. 
Some people who came from bigger towns will understand, but the others would think that my remarks are caustic. 

London is a town located between Paris and New York. 
We recognize the rustic aspect of « l’entre guerre » buildings. Thus a dynamic extension of a Times Square junior in Piccadilly-Circus. 

Anyway we felt nice when we are Parisian. 
Nevertheless, what we have to know about the Union Jack between those towns with all their contradictions, is that the mentality doesn't change. The English are amazing by their kindness. 

We are surprised.