Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Experience UK (life in the British Countryside)

November 13th 2013

Field Trip to Beech Cliff Farm, Tittensor.



Today’s Field trip will involve visiting a working farm just outside the village of Tittensor. On arrival, the farmer, Gareth Coles will take us on a guided tour, and will explain to us how the farm is run, and the work involved in maintaining it.


You will be expected to ask as many questions as possible.

Think about the following:

The type of farming he does

Life as a farmer today


The farming year




As this is a Field trip, it is important you think the health and safety of yourself and others:

a)      Be careful when walking along roads

b)      Close all gates behind you

c)       Do not drop litter

d)      Do not wander off, but stay with the group.




Have a great trip and remember to record and take photos for the blog!

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